Passport Card vs Passport Book: Know the Differences

Passport card vs passport book in USA “Passport card vs book ” which is better? Do you think about this question when you applying for a passport? When we think about Passport firstly come into our mind passport book.

That is applicable for all countries but passport card its sounds something new. Passport card is not popular. Most commonly use in usa and sometime these types card or pass use in other countries boarder.

If you have any confusion about passport card vs book you will get more clarification here.

What is Passport Book?

It is a book formed passport that you need to travel international by air, land, sea. This book contain 28 pages in usa and blue color. Its validity 10 years for adult above 16 years old and 5 years for children under 16 years old.During visiting other countries its pages stamp and seal. It is similar to identification card (driving license). It need to renewal it by mail.

What is Passport Card?

It is a card formed passport that you can carry easily to pass borders basicaly it created in 2008 for passing from northern and southern part of America. So its limited to use when come from maxico,canada,caribbean countries, Bermuda to America.

It’s same to passport duration. For adult above 16 years 10 years duration and for children under 16 years old 5 years duration. you need to renewal it on mail.Its also similar to national identification card (driving license).

Passport Card vs Passport Book

Documents required to apply for Passport Card or Passport Book?

Same documents required to apply for passport card or book or both.

1) Birth certificate or citizenship card

2) Original photo (Driving license) but if you do not have driving license you can give primary photo also if you do not have primary photo you can give different form secondary photo for identification.

3) You should provide social security number.

4) You have to pay by money order or us bank check.

What Other things you need to know about Passport Card and Passport Book?

5) Exact amount of cash pay for money order.

6) You have to apply in person if its first time also if you are 16 or 17 years old for renewal you need to come office in person.
7) No credit or debit card payment is acceptable.

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Where to go for apply for passport acceptance service?

You need to pay for both passport card vs book either application and acceptance service. Govt office or library or postal office you can go for passport acceptance . Before that contact them if they open or not and shedule a date. You can check online via passport acceptance in person page.

Passport card vs book which one right for you?

Passport card vs book which one good for you it depends on your need. If you travel canads, mexico, caribbean countries, Bermuda often then take card for ready lane easy pass and its easy to carry, less costly . If you need to travel on air or international travel then you can choose book as by only 1 passport book you can travel sea, air, land everywhere.

Also if you need to travel ready lane more often plus sometimes need to travel internationally then you can take both passport book and card. You can apply card and renewal book at the same time. Also you can apply for passport card vs book by using same application. Your renewal book and card will be delivered to you by mail. Cost of applying card and book will be 195$ for first time and 160$ for renewal.

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Comparison of Passport Card vs book:

1) Dimension or Size:

  • Book is such as it fit in pocket.
  • card size such as it fits in wallet.

2) Form:

  • Passport card is like a credit card form.
  • passport book is like small book form that can carry on pocket.

3) USE:

Card use for ready lanes like land or sea border pass from Canada, Mexico, Caribbean countries, Bermuda to America.

Book use for international flight or air, sea, land travel.

4) Cost:

  • Passport book 165$ ( 130+35)
  • Passport card 65$ (30+35)

5) Renewal:

  • Passport book 130$
  • Passport card 30$

7) Shipping:

  • For passport book 1/2 dates delivery you can choose.
  • For passport card you can not choose 1/2 dates delivery. It will be done by first class mail.

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How to apply for Passport card vs book?

You can apply passport card vs book online or in person. But for first time you should go in person For book or, card. online you can apply passport card if you have previous passport book already. On the Above side of application there are option card or book or both here you can choose according to your need.

FAQ for Passport card vs passport Book in USA”

How to renew Passport outside USA?

Ans: If you are in Canada or outside usa you can renew passport by sending mail to the address of usa consulate in canada office and add here passport renewal application form ds-11/ Ds-82, if you eligible to use, previous passport copy and other necessary documents that is for usa. Govt. or, you can send via canada post to usa address that mention in D-82 form. Pay for renewal by certified check or and your renew book or card or both will come via mail.

I lost my passport card but i have passport book so can i renew both?

Ans: No, you can only renew passport book not card.

Can i apply passport first time from outside usa?

Ans: yes via nearby usa consulant general in person you can apply and pay by certified check or

How can i know am i eligible to use ds-82 form for passport renewal?

Ans: if you are living canada you use ds-11 form in person for first time passport application and any of these below sentence true for you then you can use ds -11 form for renewal

(if you are under 16 years / renewal at 16 years while your first passport application done when you are under 16 years/ your passport issue more than 15 years/ you lost/damages passport.)

If above statement false for you can use ds-82 form.

I am eligible for using ds-82 form for renewal so what procedure should i follow to renew my us passport from canada?

Ans: All renewal will be done via mail. You can send your all documents either to us embassy Ottawa or, nearby us consulant general and pay them by Or, mail to passport processing center and pay them with certified check.

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Passport card vs book which one good option to take if you ask me then i will prefer passport book.

As it has multiple benefits than card. I can use passport book for land,sea,air international flight everywhere. But you may say if i need to move border area often monthly or weekly then it would be heavy for me.

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So listen dear, passport card you carry on wallet and passport book you carry on pocket. so for me to carry on pocket easier than using extra wallet space.

By one passport book all travel pass ready and its less costly if you think about taking both passport book and passport card.

Also passport book is more effective than card. so from both use and cost aspects passport card vs book then passport book is more preferable than passport card.

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Abeda UK

Abeda Jannat Scholarship Analyst from United Kingdom. Her main focus is to share how you can crack IELTS Exam, How you will get a Scholarship from Best University in the world, also she will share all her experiences about IELTS, University Admission or Application process, etc.

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