How to make a Job Resume? Beginner Guide for Resume Writing in 2024 (Tips + Example)

Are you a job seeker who is regularly sending his job to get the dream job? Do you know How to make a Job Resume? But you are not getting any response! Maybe it’s time to recheck your job resume and update it so that it not only stands out but also convinces employers that you’re the perfect fit! A resume for job application can be your trump card to get the job. So let’s begin without any delay!

What is a Job CV or Job Resume?

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a detailed summary of your educational qualification, experience and achievements. Whether  an academic Resume mainly reflects your academic accomplishment and research skill, job resumes reflect your professional skill, career goal and previous job experiences. According to Ruth Dolenga, a renowned researcher, an effective job resume elevates your chance to get your dream job enormously. 

Why is Job CV important?

According to an article published in the ‘Time’ Magazine, as a job seeker, you job cv will be reviewed by the application committee within 6 seconds! So do you understand in this competitive world your cv needs to be perfect, precise and catchy!! Otherwise your cv will be closed within a few seconds! 

That is why a job resume is a ticket to your dream job. 

7 Simple Ways to Write a Job Resume

With 7 simple ways, you can write a catchy and effective Resume. They are-

  1. Picking the Correct Resume Format

Start your cv with a header which will add your personal information (name, contact address, email etc). Establish a balance between your professional experience and your skills to present a complete picture of your qualifications.

  1. Include a Professional Summary

Your summary in the job resume should be your elevator pitch. Write an engaging and persuasive summary of your professional goals, important abilities, and what makes you stand out from the competitors.

  1. Showcase your achievement in listicle order

Your job experience is the most crucial part of your job resume. While computing your job resume application, include your achievements in listicle order so that it get the spotlight of your job resume. Displaying your abilities and credentials up front in your resume is good for individuals who are changing careers or have gaps in their employment experience. 

Here you should include-

  • Your previous job (including your job responsibilities)
  • Achievement
  • Relevant work
  • Research/project carried out
  • Volunteering experience
  • Co-curricular activities
  • Industry Work
  • Relevant courses/ field of study
  • Conference paper/ conference presentation
  • Additional or relevant training 
  • Internship

Also check: How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024

  1. Highlight Your Education

Whether you are applying for a corporate job or government job, you must highlight your education. Include your educational background in least chronological order (from latest to past). Include the name of the institutions, department/ institution where you studied and date of your study period.

  1. Highlight your soft and hard skills

Soft skills are interpersonal skills which are very essential in the job industry. These soft skills define how a person can deal with another person, for instance, soft skills are negotiation, decision making, communication, team work etc.

Hard skills are mainly software skills which are inevitable for any aspect in today’s world. For example- computer skill, data entry, data analysis, digital marketing these are hard skills.

You must mention both your soft skills and hard skills in order to boost your job resume.

  1. Add Personal Interest

Add your pastime hobbies and personal interest at the end of your resume. 

  1. Compliment with a Job Cover Letter

Make a cover letter that reflects your personality, goes well with your resume, and tells your personal story. You can give link to your social media (facebook, linkedIn, twitter) or your personal website as well. 

  1. Proofread and Polish

Keep your resume neat, legible, and eye-catching. Check everything carefully for spelling and grammar mistakes. Never be reluctant to ask peers, mentors or experienced persons. 

Also Read: Student CV Format, Writing Tips: 10+ Student Resume Examples 2024

Template of a Job Resume

Name & Contact Information


[Professional Title]

[Personal Address]

[mailing Address]

[Phone number]

[LinkedIn/ Social Media]

[Personal Website]

[Resume Summary]

Work Experience

[Company Name]

[Job Title]

[Dates joined]

[Key Achievement]



[University/ School Name]

[Dates Attended]


[Relative Coursework]


[Soft Skill]

[Hard Skill]


Additional Resume Section


[Volunteer Work]

[Certificates & Awards]




Personal Interests and Hobbies:

Let’s take a resume and analyze the different parts present in it. The following picture does so- 

Job Resume

5+ Examples of Job Resume

Job Resume
Job Resume

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Job Resume
Job Resume
Job Resume
Job Resume
Job Resume
Job Resume
Job Resume
Job Resume
Job Resume, cv format

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)s:

Are Job CV and Resume the same thing?

Although Resume and CV have some differences in formatting or purpose, nowadays most job companies and officials refer to the same thing as job resume and CV.

What are the differences between a Job Resume and CV?

1. A job resume is typically one page, whereas a cv can be more than one page.
2. A resume is applicable for all types jobs but cv is used for jobs and applications specially in academia
3. A job resume does not necessarily include a reference, but generally a CV includes it.
4. A job resume is to be tailored according to the type of job but cv is the same for all applications.
5. A job resume is concise whereas CV is a comprehensive overview of the person.

How to write a job cv with no experience?

Having no experience does not mean you are capable of doing the job. In this case, write your cv with highlighting-
Your education (related course and lab work)
Relevant projects
Certificate and online courses
Conference Paper
Volunteer work
Part time job
Paid or voluntary internship
Extra curricular activities
Give a reference of your teacher
Highlight your skills

How to write a job resume sample?

There is no perfect or straight forward sample for a job resume. You can make your own using Canva or using the tips given in the content.

How to make a resume for your first job?

Follow the same tips mentioned for ‘job with no experience’


A crucial part of your job search process is creating an effective and creative resume for employment. You can stand out to potential employers and improve your chances of receiving an interview by creating a strong job resume. Now you know the tips, so follow those, make a unique resume, polish it, tailor it and get your dream job!

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Abeda UK

Abeda Jannat Scholarship Analyst from United Kingdom. Her main focus is to share how you can crack IELTS Exam, How you will get a Scholarship from Best University in the world, also she will share all her experiences about IELTS, University Admission or Application process, etc.

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