IELTS Exam Preparation in 30 Days Plan 2024 (IELTS Practice Routine)

Hello, English Learners in this post you will know How to Prepare for IELTS Exam in 30 Days? IELTS means International English Language Testing System which is a common English proficiency across the world. By taking this IELTS Preparation test students fulfill their ambition of going abroad to complete higher education. One thing I noticed that some students wanted to know how to prepare for IELTS exam in a few days, due to this I am going to share this content about how can someone prepare for IELTS exam in one month.

How to Prepare for IELTS Exam in One Month 2024

This article is mainly for those who are preparing to take IELTS exam, so, this is the most important and extremely useful for IELTS candidates. In this contents I would like to describe all important information about how to prepare for IELTS exam within one month as well as I will share some tips tricks and techniques about four modules of IELTS exam. If you are the beginner for IELTS you should know some ideas such as-

  • Make Sure you have a strong internet connection.
  • You need to buy books (Cambridge 6 to 17).
  • You have to know about the test well.
  • You should know strong and weak point and
  • Keep practicing properly more and more.

Therefore, I am going to provide IELTS exam preparation ideas and this is a step-by-step explanation.

IELTS Exam Preparation in 30 Days Plan 2024 (IELTS Practice Routine)

IELTS Exam Preparation

IELTS Preparation in 30 days

How to prepare for IELTS exam within one month. So, let’s begin=

IELTS study plan from 1 day to 30 days = You can start from listening to another module as u wish.

Day 1

  • Listening – Cambridge 8 test 1,2( with audio script)

Following audio script is essential for you, from my personal experience I followed audio script and it was helped me to boost my score.

  • Reading= Cambridge 8 test 1, 2 (with reading article)
  • Writing=task 1, Pie chart and task 2, Agree & Disagree
  • Speaking=Only part 1.
  • Vocabulary= Advertising

Day 2

  • Listening= Cambridge 3,4 ( with one transcribe)
  • Reading=Cambridge 8 test 3,4( reading article)
  • Writing= Task1, Bar graph and task 2, Agree & Disagree
  • Speaking= Part 1
  • Vocabulary= Environment

Day 3

  • Listening= Cambridge 9 test 1,2 ( with audio script)
  • Reading= Cambridge 9 test 1, 2
  • Writing= Task1, Line chart task 2, Agree & Disagree
  • Speaking= part 1 and part 2 cue card about space
  • Vocabulary= Shopping

Day 4

  • Listening= Cambridge 9 test 3,4 ( with transcribe)
  • Reading= Cambridge 9 test 3, 4 ( Read article with meanings)
  • Writing= Task1-Table and task 2 – Advantage and Disadvantage
  • Speaking= Cue cards (an object)
  • Vocabulary= Advertising

Day 5

  • Listening= Cambridge 10 test 1,2( with audio script)
  • Reading= Cambridge 10 test 1,2
  • Writing= Task1-Pie graph and Task 2 – Advantage and Disadvantage
  • Speaking= Part 2 ( An activity)
  • Vocabulary= Advertising

Day 6

  • Listening= Cambridge 10 test 3,4 ( with audio transcribe)
  • Reading= Cambridge 10 test3,4
  • Writing= Task1-Pie chart and task 2 -Advantage or Disadvantage
  • Speaking= Part 3( an event)
  • Vocabulary= Advertising

Day 7

  • Listening= Cambridge 11 test 1,2( with audio transcribe)
  • Reading=Cambridge 11 test 1,2 ( with an article)
  • Writing= Task1- Multiple chart and task 2 -Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  • Speaking= Part 2 & 3 ( about person )
  • Vocabulary= Business

Day 8

  • Listening= Cambridge 11 test 3, 4 ( with audio script)
  • Reading= Cambridge 11 test 3, 4
  • Writing= Task1- Mock test and task 2-Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  • Speaking= Part 3, 4 (Favorite)
  • Vocabulary= Personality

Day 9 – IELTS Preparation at Home

Revise day, in this day you will revise previous days 1 to 8 and you will register for a mock test for testing yourself.

Day 10

  • Listening= Cambridge 12 test 1, 2 ( with an audio script )
  • Reading= Cambridge 12 test 1, 2
  • Writing= Task1 -Give a test and task 2 – Discuss both views and give your opinion
  • Speaking= part 2 and 3 ( collect recent 20 topics )
  • Vocabulary= Clothes and holiday

Day 11- IELTS Preparation

  • Listening= Cambridge 12 test 3, 4 ( an audio transcribe)
  • Reading= Cambridge 12 test 3, 4
  • Writing= Task 2- Do you think advantage outweigh the disadvantages minimum 2 essay
  • Speaking= Part 2, 3 ( recent 5 topics )
  • Vocabulary= Books and technology

Day 12

  • Listening= Cambridge 13 test 1, 2 ( With an audio script)
  • Reading= Cambridge 13 test 1,2
  • Writing= Task 2- Problem solution essay and is this a positive or negative development?
  • Speaking= Part 2, 3 ( recent 5 topics)
  • Vocabulary= Health and sports

Day 13

  • Listening= Cambridge 13 test 3,4 (an audio transcribe )
  • Reading= Cambridge 13 test 3, 4
  • Writing= What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?
  • Speaking= part 2,3( recent 5 topics)

Day 14

Revise day, in this day you can practice the previous day’s topics and will register for the mock test.

Day 15

  • Listening= Cambridge 14 test 1,2 (with an audio script)
  • Reading= Cambridge 14 test 1,2
  • Writing= Mock test & Sentence analysis and learn advanced vocabulary as can as possible.
  • Speaking= part 2, 3

Day 16

  • Listening= Cambridge 14 test 3, 4 (with audio transcribe)
  • Reading= Cambridge 14 test 3, 4
  • Writing= Task1 – Bar graph and Task 2- Agree & Disagree
  • Speaking= part 2 , 3
  • Vacabulary= personality

Day 17

  • Listening= Cambridge 15 test 1, 2 (with an opinion script)
  • Reading= Cambridge 15 test 1, 2
  • Writing= Mock test
  • Speaking = Mock test

Day 18

  • Listenig= Cambridge 15 test 3, 4 (with an audio transcribe)
  • Reading= Cambridge 15 test 3, 4
  • Writing= Mock test & Sentence analysis
  • Speaking= Mock test
  • Vacabulary= Advertising, Books and films

IELTS exam dates for 2024: IELTS Exam Dates

Day 19

  • Listening= Cambridge 16test 1, 2( with one audio transcribe)
  • Reading= Cambridge 16 1,2 test
  • Writing= Task1= Process Diagram And Task 2- problem solution essay
  • Speaking= cue card ( recent 10 topics)
  • Vocabulary= revise previous days

Day 20

  • Listenig= Cambridge 16 test 3,4 with audio transcribe
  • Reading= Cambridge 16 test 3, 4
  • Writing= Maps
  • Speaking = part 2, 3 ( Makkari first 5 topics)

Day 21

  • Listening= Cambridge 17 test 1, 2 (with audio transcribe)
  • Reading= Cambridge 1, 2
  • Writing= Diagram And Map
  • Speaking= part 3 ( recent 5 topics)

Day 22

  • Listening= Cambridge 17 test 3, 4
  • Reading= Cambridge 17 test 3, 4
  • Writing= Task 1- Line chart and task 2 – what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Soeaking= part3 recent 10 topics

Day 23

  • Listing & Reading= Official Cambridge guide test 1, 2 3
  • Writing= Mock test & Sentence analysis
  • Speaking= Mock test

Day 24

  • Listenig & Reading= Official Cambridge guide test 4,5
  • Writing= Mock test Sentence analysis and Vocabulary
  • Speaking= Mock test

Day 25

  • Listening & Reading= Official Cambridge guide test 6, 7
  • Writing= Mock test from official Cambridge Cambridge test 1, 2
  • Speaking= one full test.
  • Mock test from Cambridge IELTS trainer

Day 26

  • Listening & Reading= Mock Test from Cambridge test 1 to 2
  • Writing= Revise recent topic
  • Speaking revision recent topic

Also Read: Top 10 Free IELTS Preparation Course

Day 27

  • Listening =Cambridge test 3,4 (with audio transcribe)
  • Reading= Mock test from Cambridge minimum 1to 2 tests
  • Writing = Full Mock test & Vocabulary revision
  • Speaking= Full Mock test

Day 28

  • Full Mock test+ Vocabulary revision+ Sentence structure analysis
  • One audio transcribe & One article
  • Writing= Recent topics
  • Speaking= Recent topics

Day 29

  • Full Mock test+ Solve class
  • Vocabulary= Previous topics revision
  • For listening one transcribe
  • Writing= Recent topics
  • Soaeking= Recent topics

Day 30

Full Mock Test for all modules. you completed 30 days routine now you need to take a mock test because mock test is an important test for this preparation, if you take mock you will check your level so we prefer you definitely register for mock tast after completing this IELTS preparation.

Also Read: 12 Types of English Tenses with Examples and Formula

How To Crack IELTS In 30 Days:

Conclusion: So, this is the overall idea of how you would be prepare for your IELTS exam within 30 days. This study plan are going to be very useful for IELTS candidates. I believe that, if everyone follow this routine you would be prepared for your IELTS exam. Because when I appeared my IELTS exam I followed tis study plan and got the results very well. IELTS test is the practice test without practicing more and more you cannot achieve a decent band score. Therefore, from my personal experience I made this study plan for your betterment. This is the 30 days study plan for preparing IELTS exam.

Also Read: Top 10 Free English Speaking Courses Online

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Abeda UK

Abeda Jannat Scholarship Analyst from United Kingdom. Her main focus is to share how you can crack IELTS Exam, How you will get a Scholarship from Best University in the world, also she will share all her experiences about IELTS, University Admission or Application process, etc.

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