IELTS Speaking Cue Card Topics with Samples 2023

IELTS Speaking cue card topics 2023. For these days there are a number of suggestions which I shall share you in this article. I always try to make my article with the most precious techniques tips and tricks .If you follow my article which I shared my previous vlog you understand about it. The IELTS exam contains 4 modules such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Among of them speaking is the most important module and this test will be taken separately another day. I mean the listening, reading and writing module will be taken together a day speaking another day. Speaking test is like an interview.

Speaking Cue cards for August month 2023

IELTS speaking has 3 parts, in part 1 examiner ask you some general questions related yourself and some basic questions. In part 2 you are asked for a topic which called cue cards. At last part 3 you will be asked questions and you have to answer these questions briefly. I recommend you that in recent exam the cue cards has been come some new topics and some are repeated. Now I am sharing most important cue cards which are extremely important for this month. If you practice these regular basis your speaking ability will be boosted. So let’s begin –

I would like to inform you that these two topics are extremely important for the upcoming IELTS exam. From my personal experience, I noticed that in the last IELTS exam e.g. July and august month these topics are asked by examiner several times. If you want to read the sample answer of these two topics you follow my previous articles because I described these in my article which you will get like a piece of cake.

The most important IELTS Part 2 topics in 2023

  • Talk about a website that you browse frequently
  • Talk about a place where air was polluted
  • Talk about an interesting old person you know and admire
  • Talk about a redevelopment in your hometown
  • Talk about a challenging thing you did and succeeded
  • Talk about a person you met and like to have a conversation
  • Describe a person you would like to work with
  • Describe a time when you received a special gift
  • Describe a rule that you don’t like
  • Describe an advertisement that you follow and buy something
  • Describe a time you used cell phone to do something important
  • Describe a disagreement you had with someone
  • Describe an event you attended which was successful
  • Talk about an English class or lesson
  • Talk about an object you find particularly beautiful
  • Talk about a person who you believe dresses well
  • Talk about a person who love to grow plants
  • Talk about a time when someone asked for your opinion
  • Talk about a story or novel that you find interesting
  • Talk about an important lake or river in your country.

These 20 topics which I mentioned above are useful for IELTS candidates. In recent exam, these topics are asked by the examiner. If you practice regularly with your partner and friends you will increase your speaking ability. And most important thing is that don’t memorize any answers. If you want to achieve a decent band score in speaking you have to practice more and more. Without practicing regular basis you cannot speak fluently.

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All in all, I would like to share that speaking in any languages is a skill. If you are capable of doing this skills it is not a rocket science. Never lose your hopes you just try and speak. When examiner ask you any questions never answer with one word like yes / not , you should give extra information and you have to give a reason. This is very important and be careful about it. By practicing you will be increased your ability to organise your answer and speak fluently.

Also Check: IELTS Exam Dates 2023: IDP & British Council IELTS Exam Date for Candidate

HM Mahfuj

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