BCS English Suggestion 2024

BCS English Suggestion 2024

English Literary Terms: 

A) Fantasy: A Fictional Story

2)Achilles: Greek Warrior

3)Ballad: A brief narrative poem.

4)Catastrophe: The sad conclusion to a dramatic event

5)Lexicographers: dictionaries writers.

6)Limerick: A kind of light poem that is short.

7)Melodrama: Themes of Violence and Sensational 

8) NOVEL- Latin term 

9)Ode – a lyric poetry, usually in the form of an ode.

10)Opera; is a type of musical drama.

11)Parody; is the imitation of a poem or a piece of writing.                               

12)Penny Dreadful-blood and thunder stories from 

13)Plagiarism; is the act of taking from someone else’s writing.

 14)The protagonist; is the main character in a play novel.

15)Rhetoric; is the art of persuading and impressing others.

16)Rhyme; is a short poetry with the same sound.

17)Satire; is a literary form that employs honor and ridicule.

18)intelligence to challenge and expose human foolishness and weakness.

19) sonnet; is a fourteen-line poetry.

20)Thrillers; thrilling story

BCS Preparations Book Name and Author:

Book name: A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream-William Shakespeare

Book name: A pair of Blue Eyes-Thomas Hardy

Book name: A Passage to India-E. M. Forster

Book name: Adonis-P. B Shelly

Book name: Akbar Nama-Abul Fazal

Book name: All’s Well that Ends Well-William Shakespeare

Book name: Andrea Del Sarto (Poem)-Browning

Book name: Animal Farm-George Orwell

Book name: Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy

Book name: Around the World in Eighty Days→ Jules Verne

Book name: As You Like it-William Shakespeare

Book name: Asian Drama-Gunner Myrdal

Book name: Blue Bird-Lord Alfred Tennyson

Book name: Caesar and Cleopatra-George Bernard Shaw

Book name: Canterbury Tales-Geoffrey Chaucer

Book name: Cesar and Cleopatra (Play)-G.B Shaw

Book name: Comedy of errors-Shakespeare

Book name: Crime and Punishment-Dostoevsky

Book name: Das Capital-Karl Mark

Book name: David Copperfield-Charles Dickens

Book name: Dialogues-Plato

Book name: Dictionary-Samuel Johnson

Book name: Discovery of India-Johor Lal Nehru

Book name: Divine Comedy-Dante

Book name: Don Juan-Lord Byron

Book name: Faustus-Christopher Marlowe

Book name: Emma-Jane Austen

Book name: For Whom the Bell Tolls-Earnest Hemingway

Book name: A Brief History of Time-Stephen Hawking

Book name: A Farewell to Arms-Earnest Hemingway

Book name: A Long Walk to Freedom-Nelson Mandela

Book name: Freedom-Bertrand Russell

Book name: Friends not Masters- Gen Ayub Khan

Book name: God of the Small Things-Arundhati Roy

Book name: Great Expectations-Charles Dickens

Book name: Gulliver’s Travels-Jonathan Swift

Book name: Hamlet- Shakespeare

Book name: Hamlet-William Shakespeare

Book name: Heaven and Earth-Lord Byron

Book name: If Winter comes (Poem)- Shelley

Book name: Iliad-Homer

Book name: In Memoriam-Lord Alfred Tennyson

Book name: India Wins Freedom-Abul Kalam Azad

Book name: Isabella-John Keats

Book name: Julias Caesar (Tragedy)- Shakespeare

Book name: Jungle Book-Rudyard Kipling

Book name: King Lear- Shakespeare (tragedy)

Book name: Khan- ST Coleridge

Book name: Leaves of Grass- Walt Whitman

Book name: Merchant of Venice (Comedy)- Shakespeare

Book name: Mother-Maxim Gorky

Book name: Ode to the West Wind-P. B Shelly

Book name: Odyssey-Homer

Book name: Of human bondage- Somerset Maugham

Book name: Oliver Twist-Charles Dickens

Book name: Origin of Species-Charles Darwin

Book name: Othello-William Shakespeare

Book name: Paradise Lost- J. Milton

Book name: Paradise Regained- Milton

Book name: Passage to India-E.M Forster

Book name: Pilgrim’s Progress-John Bunyan

Book name: Politics-Aristotle

Book name: Prelude-William Wordsworth

Book name: Pride and Prejudice- John Austin

Book name: Prince-Machiavelli

Book name: Rape of the Lock-Alexander Pope

Book name: Republic-Plato

Book name: Robinson Crusoe-Daniel Defoe

Book name: Romeo and Juliet-William Shakespeare

Book name: Roots-Alex Haley

Book name: Samson Agonists-John Milton Das

Book name: Scholar Gipsy-Matthew Arnold

Book name: Sense and Sensibility-Jane Austen

Book name: Seven Seas-Rudyard Kipling

Book name: Silent Women-Ben Jonson

Book name: Solitary Reaper- William Wordsworth

Book name: Songs of innocence- William Blake

Book name: Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow-D.H Lawrence

Book name: Tempest-William Shakespeare

Book name: Tess of the D’Urbervilles-Thomas Hardy

Book name: The 2nd world- Winston Churchill

Book name: The Alchemist-Ben Jonson

Book name: The diamond necklace (Short story)-Maupassant

Book name: The Good Earth- Pearl S Buch (USA)

Book name: The Iliad- Homer

Book name: The Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare

Book name: The New Testament- John Wycliffe

Book name: The Old Man and The Sea-Earnest Hemingway

Book name: The Rainbow (Novel)- Lawrence

Book name: The Rape of the Lock-Alexander Pope

Book name: The Return of the Native-Thomas Hardy

Book name: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner-Samuel Taylor

HM Mahfuj

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