Canada Student Visa: Complete Guide for Study In Canada 2024

As an international student, you must have thought from time to time about where to study abroad. It is a rather tedious choice because nowadays it’s hard to know what country will best fit your needs, which is why I’m here to help you decide! I’ll tell you about everything you need to know to study in Canada if this country is your top choice.

Why Choose Canada?

Canada is one of the top nations worldwide when it comes to education; it has the three best-ranking universities among countries in the global chart. But if that’s not adequate for you, let me tell you more:

  • No-Hassle Visa: Compared to other countries in the West, Canada offers the easiest way of attaining a student visa as they enroll thousands of international students every year. You can easily apply for a visa with your personal documents online.
  • Cost Effective: Although the cost of living in Canada isn’t the cheapest, it’s still much better compared to the USA & UK. Housing in Canada is very affordable, which gives students an edge. But bear in mind that currently, housing has become a little difficult for Canada.

With so many people to retain in its hold, Canada is struggling to give homes to many. However, it’s still possible to stay there if you assess the housing situation properly, or opt for University dorms.

  • Affordable Tuition & Scholarship: Studying in Canada is drastically cheaper than its neighboring countries, as they want to expand their global relationship by welcoming international students.

Not just that, most Canadian Universities offer fully funded scholarship to deserving international students, so aim for the stars and get yourself that scholarship!

Also Read: How to Apply for UK Student Visa in 2023

Top University for Canada Student Visa

Now that we’re done discussing the reasons to study in Canada, let’s talk about a few top universities you can choose from, and how you can pick.

Which University you want to choose depends on what course you want study, for example if you’re business student, you can go for Dalhousie University, whereas if you’re more into tech, choose a University like University of Calgary. The tuition fee may vary from 12 to 35 lakhs, relying on your course.

Some other things you should take into factor are; transportation, and where you’ll stay. Make sure you can find a place not far from your chosen University.

Estimate your costs; see if you can manage their living standards. It’s not a good idea to plan studying there without financial stability. Don’t forget to take your future career into account as well. Your course from a certain University will play a huge role in your job prospects in the near future.

Pick whether you’d like your campus’s location to be in the city, or in the countryside. I’m personally a city person myself, but you choose whatever floats your boat!

Having A Job As A Student

We all know how smart it is to work to save up for your tuition, as well as your other financial needs. If you’re one of those students who want to work for their bread, you found the right place.

Most institutions actually offer on-campus work possibilities, e.g. part time jobs, assisting a teacher, research positions, and study programs. These will not only help you earn, but will also enrich your skills sets.

Alternatively, you can choose from off campus jobs too; but they’ll have guidelines to follow, so be sure to learn them. The rules are easy to understand and you’ll be trained beforehand; no need to worry.

Where can you find these jobs though?

Check your university’s websites for on-campus job facilities, or for off-campus jobs, check the government‘s official website.

Also read: How to Study in Canada?

Safety & Culture

If you’re worried about the safety of the country, fear not. Canada is ranked in the top ten safest countries in the world. But it’s always helpful to remember their emergency number; it’s 911, just like USA.

Now, Canada has a very friendly attitude amongst humans of different backgrounds; Canadians are very nice to foreigners and always stay humble.

They’re known for their gentle manners and welcoming community. Another fun fact about Canada is that it has two languages that are official: English and French.

You can study in whichever language you prefer from the two. Their food is also flavorful and diverse. If you’re a foodie, you’ll know how important it is to have delicious food at hand. Thankfully, Canada has many savory and sweet dishes you can indulge in without spending much money.

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With everything I explained, it’s now up to you to choose constructively whether you want to study in Canada or not. They have a lot to offer and you won’t regret studying there. As someone who also researches countries to study in, I can assure you Canada is one of the best options.

Starting from its advanced education system to its welcoming nature, this country will certainly not let you down.

Also Check: How to apply Canada visa

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Abeda UK

Abeda Jannat Scholarship Analyst from United Kingdom. Her main focus is to share how you can crack IELTS Exam, How you will get a Scholarship from Best University in the world, also she will share all her experiences about IELTS, University Admission or Application process, etc.

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