Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2023-2024 (Study in Switzerland)

মাহফুজুর রহমান
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, 2023-2024 Academic Year, Swiss government every year offer an excellence scholarship to award young researchers and artists from abroad, who have completed master’s or PhD and completed bachelor.

Swiss confederation awards government excellence awards between Switzerland & over more than 180 countries. Eligible applicants are chosen by  a special committee named The Federal Commission for Scholarship for Foreign Students (FCS).

Types of Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship 2023-2024

  • Research scholarship is available those who are interested pursue their research study in Switzerland. Applicant must need to have a master’s degree minimum. If the candidate is nominated by Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences & two federal institute of technology then he/she will be considered for the research scholarship.
  • Art scholarship is also opened, but only for limited countries. Students those are willing about pursuing an initial master’s degree in Switzerland conservatory or university of arts.

Shs international excellence scholarships

Application Procedure for Swiss Scholarships

  • Go the site where early August release the program for 180+ countries
  • Get the application package from the Swiss representation upcoming September when the call for proposal starts.
  • Submission deadline varies from country to country, which might be September-December.
  • Selection is done by the Federal Commission for Scholarships FCS
  • Scholarship will start at Swiss academic host institution.

Required Documents for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

According to country wise A-L/M-Z their will be elaborate information described. Also, there are different offers for different countries. So, it is must required to check details by selecting student’s country.

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Selection Criteria

Basically FCSselects students for the scholarship. They prioritize few facts these are

  1. Applicant’s profile
  2. Quality level of the research or artistic work
  3. Potential scale & future of the research project.

This scholarship is given under some fact checking. Professors of all Swiss public university forms FCS, they check & the selection is based on academic & scientific excellence.

Result Declaration

End of the May FCS declares selected applicants.

Swiss Scholarship Application Deadline 2023-2024:

The Swiss Scholarship application deadline varies from country to country, and Swiss scholarship’s result will be announced by the End of May.

Also Read: DAAD Scholarship: Fully Funded DAAD Scholarships in Germany

Also Read: Gates Cambridge Scholarship (Fully Funded Scholarship in the UK)


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