Best College Students life

মাহফুজুর রহমান

Colleges are educational institutions offering varied undergraduate and graduate courses. when you After completing school, and you have to take the major decision of choosing your course of study and get to know the different colleges or universities offering the same. Parents, counselors, teachers, and coaches can guide you as to which one suits you the best with regard to academics, extra circular activities, and distance from home, etc. You can also visit the college campus. Many US Colleges now offer all the courses for online study.

The courses at the undergraduate level in US Colleges do not stick to any particular stream. It is on a Liberal Arts pattern. This pattern requires the students to take up several different science and art courses before narrowing down on any one particular area of specialization. Colleges and students alike favor this approach as it offers a well-rounded education.

US Colleges offer you two types of degrees- Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree. The former is a two-year program and covers up the requirements of the first two years of the Bachelor’s Degree. The Bachelor Degree offers a combination of science and arts subjects and you can choose the subject you want to major in and choose few elective subjects. Though it is a four-year course, you get the degree when the total course work is completed. You need to take 130-180 credit hours to complete the degree.

You can contact the Director of Undergraduate Admissions by post or through e-mail to collect the application form and the college prospectus. Some US Colleges provide you with online applications, which save expensive postages. Fill up the application form properly with all the requisite details. Most Colleges ask for two good references, which can be from your schoolteachers, principal pinpointing certain events involving you, and citing examples of your performance. It is best to apply at the earliest as the forms are available a year before the semester begins.

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