College Scholarships for First Generation Students

মাহফুজুর রহমান

College Scholarships for first-generation students are the financial aids available to a student to pursue his/her education. Such scholarships are generally for undergraduate, graduate studies, and other research programs. Self-analysis will help in finding out the eligibility of the individual for any College Scholarships.

College Scholarships and Grant

The student has to first out his/her area of excellence like academics, sports, and fine arts. Next, it is necessary to look into the financial position of the family to find out much money will go for supporting the college education. Needy students have a good chance of getting College scholarships. However, a huge percentage of private scholarships are not as per the academic merits or the financial position of the family.

There are many different types and categories of College Scholarships. The high school counselor is a very good guide who will have full information about the various scholarships for residents of the different towns, cities, and the country as a whole. Many college libraries and public libraries also stock up books on this subject.

It is also good to look into National scholarships such as Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), National Merit, Gates Millennium, Intel Science, Coca-Cola, and Robert Byrd. Different religious groups, community service groups, and professional organizations offer College Scholarships. Many large companies offer financial aid for the education of the children of their employees. Working students can avail themselves of this facility from their employers like fast-food chains, department stores, and supermarkets.

Requirements of College Scholarships

All the different scholarships have a similar application process. Most of the College Scholarships ask for either all or some of the following:-

1. Transcripts

2. Standardized test scores

3.  Financial aid forms like FAFSA or PROFILE

4.  Parent’s financial information, including tax returns

5. One or more essays about yourself, course for study, interests, and further goals in life

6. One or more letters of recommendation

7. Proof of eligibility(membership credentials)


Fill up the application form neatly and carefully, make copies of everything you are sending and be an early bird.

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