SSC result of all education board in Bangladesh will be published on . The SSC ( secondary school certificate ) Dhakil and equivalent examination 2024 includes vocational school or madrasah. More than 2031899 boys and girls will participate in the examination. After the SSC exam, all candidates were curious to know when the SCC examination result will be published, here is our website you will get all information about the SSC examination Result.
SSC Result BD All Education Board Results
as we are discussing the secondary education board. The SSC examination will be halted in 28 july. when the exam will end they have to wait two or three months for the result. At least more than 172257 students are going to sit the SSC examination. Although it is more than the previous year. The students will attend from 28199 institutions and exams will be halted in 3143 examination- centers. If you want to know the SSC examination result 2024 fast. Stay with us and visit our website. After publishing the SSC exam we will publish it immediately. To see the SSC exam results visit,
SSC Exam Result Publish Date 2024
This Year SSC Result 2024 will publish on 28 July 2023. This is the fifth month of the year. SSC exam result 2014 was published on 17 May 17, 2014, and the SSC exam 2016 was published on 30, 2016, the SSC result 2017 was 11th May, and SSC 2018 result was published 4th May, and the last SSC exam 2021, the result was published on the 6th May. After the SSC examination 2023, it will be taken one month to publish the result. Depending on it we can say that the result will be published very soon. But the exact date of result publication has not been declared yet. We can say based on the previous taken -duration of the result publication the result will be published in the last week of December
SSC Result Kobe Dibe?
although it is does not sure when exactly ssc result will be published but it may be published last week on September 2024. the secondary education ministry is responsible for the result they gathering result data from all the boards. We hope the publication will be coming soon.
SSC Result check with marksheet Bangladesh All Education Board Results

How to check SSC results online?
Step 1. First of all visit
Step 2. Click Individual/Institute Result Button.
Step 3. After That Choose Examination Type (SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent)
Step 4. Then Select Your Exam Year (2022)
Step 5. Now Choose Your Exam Board.
Step 6. Now Give Your Exam Roll.
Step 7. Enter Your registration number, solve this math and click Submit bottom.
After completing this SSC results process then you will get your results 2024 with marksheet.
How to See SSC Result Check 2024? এসএসসি রেজাল্ট চেক
you can see the Ssc result in two ways. By SMS or by online. On the result day, the SSC result will be published after 2.00 pm. You can see the result by visiting “ Or you should go to the official website of the secondary education board. You will also get the result on the available date on 28 july on the official website of the Bangladesh education board.
It is a alternative way to find result quickly and very fast very easily. You will find your result on education board archive. Here you will getsome boxes like “ Education board ( you education board should be selected )” “ examination year ( which year you gave the exam” “Ssc roll and registration number . And the last type the captcha code. Finally click the “submit” button. If the server is slow it maybe take two or tree time to show the result. You keep on trying.
SSC Result check from Education Board Results website
this is a third party website but here you get very ease way to find the result. We will give the instruction to see the result. Here server trafficing will not be founded. So you can see the result in here very quickly. To find the ssc result follow the below link
How Can Check SSC Result 2023 by SMS Mobile phone
to get SSC result through your mobile phone by sms. First you have to go the SMS option and type SSC Dhakil > first tree letter of your education board name <> roll number> 2023 and send to the sms 16222.
for example:
SSC ( space) DHA ( space) 129345433 ( space) 2023 sent to 16222
- Bangladesh education board code name
- DHA = Dhaka Board
- BAR = Barisal Board
- SYL = Sylhet Board
- COM = Comilla Board
- CHI= Chittagong Board
- RAJ = Rajshahi Board
- JES = Jessore Board
- DIN = Dinajpur Board
- MAD = Madrasah Board
এসএসসি রেজাল্ট চেক করার নিয়ম বাংলায় জানতে আপনি আমাদের এসএসসি চেক করার বাংলা পোস্টটি পড়তে পারেন আরোও সহজে এসএসসি রেজাল্ট চেক করতে পারবেন: এসএসসি রেজাল্ট চেক
Barisal Education Board SSC Result 2024
the board of secondary education are responsible for publishing result ,holding examination, and providing recognition for non government educational institutions. Barisal board was established in 1999. it was recruited for JSC ( junior school certificate ) SSC ( secondary school certificate and HSC (Higher secondary school certificate) examinations holder in Barisal division . Official website of Barisal education board below..
Chittagong Education Board SCC Result
the Chittagong education board was established in 1995. the main work of the board is same as other board like taking exam, publishing result , give recognition for established non government institutions . the work for Barisal educational quality development. They are also trying to develop field based educational envelopment and its administrative quality.
Comilla Education Board SSC Result
Comilla board was founded in 1962. the board of secondary education are responsible for publishing result, holding examination, and providing recognition for nongovernment educational was recruited for JSC ( junior school certificate ) SSC ( secondary school certificate, and HSC (Higher secondary school certificate) examinations holder in Camilla division. The official website of Camilla’s education board is below..
Dhaka Education Board SSC Result
the board of intermediate and secondary education Dhaka is a mass organization for holding public examinations (Jsc,SSC,HSC). Its office is located at Bakshibazer in Dhaka. It was formed in 1821. the official web link of the Dhaka board are given in below.,
Dinajpur Education Board SSC Result
the secondary education board of Dinajpur after the Barisal education board. it started its operation in 2006. before the establishment of Dinajpur, students were taken examinations under the Rajshahi board. It is an independent organization responsible for the regulation, supervision, control, and development of secondary education. Here are the website lines below…
Jessore Education Board SSC Result
the jessore board was founded in 1963 with the vision of taking SSC exam and publsih the result . The other work of this organization regulate, supervise ,and control the Ssc result 2023and development of education institutions.
Rajshahi education board SSC result
the board has started its journey in 1961. The other work of this organization regulate, supervise ,and control the SSC result and development of educational institutions.
Sylhet Education Board SSC Result Check
the Sylhet secondary secondary education board was founded in 1999 .the board of secondary education are responsible for publishing result ,holding examination, and providing recognition for non government educational institutions.The other work of this organization regulate, supervise ,and control the Ssc result 2023 and development of education institutions.
Madrasah Education Board SSC/ Dhakil Result Check
All madrasah are under the madrasah board . It take exam, supervise, monitor all of the Madrasah ether it is govt or non started it journey in 1979. Dhakil is equivalent of SSC. All of the Madrasah of Bangladesh are supervised by Madrasah education board . They control all the Madrasah.
Dhakil exam result will be published very soon. Stay on us.
SSC Result News today
About 22754150 examine have set on the examinations table under the nine education boards.This is good news for the SSc candidate that the result will be published the last week of December. All of the education board have been taken the preparation for result out come. On That day the education minister D. Dipu mani has declare that the result will be published at 10 pm but after 12pm students can see the result by online or from its respective institutions. The Madrasah, Technical or vocational board result will be published as well.
SSC Result check by Android app?
You can download or see in easy and fast way. By using Mobile android app you can see the result very essay way.but should have to be internet connection. Here are mentioned some elegant apps you can see the SSC result 2023. This applications are available for all students.go to playstore and download “SSC result app”.
Here are we shared the play sore link. Go Through this you can download the ssc result app and can see the result.
(FAQs) SSC Students Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I see my SSC result check?
You can know your SSc Result in several ways such as through the online system like (official website ,mobile app, SMS or by our website.
How can I check my SSC result by SMS?
To check the SSC result 2023 by Sms. First have to go SMS option, and type SSC/ Dhalik <space> first 3 three letter of your board< space > your roll number < sapce> 2023 and send to 16222.
how to get the SSC result by EIIN number.
To get SSC result 2023 by EIIN number visit this officials’ website
Choose your SSC/ HSC/ JSC/ Equivalent result, Exam type,year,board, institution, provides your school/College EIIN number, input security key and at last click the get result option.
How can I check my SSC result without a registration number??
By visiting this website you can find the result without a registration number, go to the website and then click SSC/Dhakil/ equivalent result option, choose the year, board name, and individual Result: provide the roll number and input security key and the last click the “Get result ” option
what is the date of SSC result?
The result will be published in September but due to the pandemic situation, it can be delayed. Furthermore, defiantly will be published this year.
How to check SSC results through the app??
First, need to download the “education board result app” on your phone from the google play store and install it on your phone. input your SSC exam roll and registration number, exam year, and board name, then click on the submit option. It will take a few minutes to show your result.
When SSC Result will be published in Bangladesh?
The SSC education board result 2023 publication process is going on. It will appear in 28 july 2023.. You will find your result by the officials’ website, SMS system, and preregistered system which was newly added.
How to download my SSC marksheet?
To get your mark sheet, go to the result official website and fill in all requirements then you can see your result. After emerging the result you will find the result download option in below. Download your result from below.
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