Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology Cuet Admission Circular 2023
Introduction-Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology was once known as the Institute of Technology. Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology was founded in 1968 and renamed in 2003. Cuet is an abbreviation for Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology. Cuet is currently one of Bangladesh’s most significant engineering universities. Chittagong city is 25 kilometers away from the university. Cuet campus will astound you with its splendor. Around 4,000 students attend classes here.
Cuet Admission Test Mark Distribution–
The test will be in MCQ style, with a total of 500 marks and a time limit of 2 hours and 30 minutes. It will be worth 150 points in Mathematics, 150 points in Physics, 150 points in Chemistry, and 50 points in English. Each subject will have 25 questions, with 25 of them to be answered.
Total CUET Admission Test Seats For 2021-22 (Electrical & Electronic Engineering 130, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering 30
Computer Science & Engineering 120) Under the Electrical & Computer Engineering department.
(Civil and Water Resources Engineering – 30) from the civil engineering department
Mechanical Engineering faculty courses include (Mechanical Engineering 130 and Petroleum & Mining Engineering 30).
Architecture 30 and Urban & Regional Planning 30 are courses offered by the Agriculture & Planning faculty.
CUET Admission Test Online Application
Candidates will be able to apply for the CUET entrance test online. Visit the CUET webpage at Fill up the blanks with accurate information. After completing the form, you will be given a code. In the next SMS, enter the code. The payment mechanism for this year’s CUET application is DUTCH BANGLA MOBILE BANKING. Other payment methods will not be accepted. If you have any issues with the payment procedure, please contact the DBBl Call Center at -16216.
System of Foreign Student Application for CUET Admission Test-
The Bangladeshi student application system and the international student application systems are not the same. If you are an international student, please follow the instructions below.
Step 1 > Navigate to CUET’s official website at
Step 2 > Navigate to the link for foreign student applications.
Step 3 > Download the CUET admittance authority’s form.
Step 4 > Complete the form
Step 5 > Send the completed form to CUET, Raojan Chittagong -4349.
Download the CUET Application Form-
CUET’s objective is to educate students in engineering and applied sciences and to contribute to the growth of knowledge in order to best serve the nation and the globe.
If you have any questions concerning the CUET Honours Admission Test circular or the admission test date 2022, please leave a comment below or contact us via our Facebook page. Furthermore, you may obtain information via the Cuet admission website at or
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি তথ্য ২০২২-২০২৩
2022-2023 Exam Eligibility-
- The candidate must be a Bangladeshi citizen.
- In 2022-2023, the candidate must have completed a Higher Secondary or equivalent test with a minimum GPA of 4.
- Candidate must have a minimum GPA of 4 in the Secondary or equivalent test.
- Students at the A level should receive their certificates
- GPA 5 out of 5 in four subjects in the Higher Secondary Examination: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English.
- Students who pass the O level should receive A grades in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English.
- Students must have A grades in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry in order to pass the A level.
- A foreign educational institution must provide an 80% or comparable grade in Mathematics, Physical Science, Chemistry, and English by 2021. Pass with a grade of 70% in English.
- Candidates who have completed the GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level exams must additionally receive ‘A’ marks in O Level Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English. And it will continue even if you are unable to understand it in English at this level. Furthermore, in order to pursue biomedical engineering, you must pass the A level test with at least a B grade in biology.
- The first 33,000 qualified students will be permitted to sit the admission test based on their aggregate marks in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English in Higher Secondary Examination.
Students with O level and A level qualifications, as well as those with reserved seats, can sit the direct entrance test.
Remember that all inquiries have the same weight. So there’s no need to demonstrate your heroism by answering a difficult question. In contrast, if too much time is spent completing something like that, the following easier issue may not be addressed due to time constraints. As a result, it is a smart approach to begin with addressing questions that can be replied to quickly. And retain your cool. Many people become so frightened that they are unable to take the test to the best of their abilities. In this regard, caution is advised.
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last words-
Above all, you must have faith in yourself. Without self-assurance, no significant aim can be accomplished. The batch engineering admission test is no different. In many occasions, a person overcomes a challenge larger than his skill just because he believed in it from the bottom of his heart. Again, many basic jobs cannot be completed successfully owing to inadequacy. And guidelines are frequently required to instill confidence.