How to Become a Writer in 2023 (Freelance Writer Online Jobs)

মাহফুজুর রহমান

Today I will share with you How to Become a writer and how i started my digital marketing career as a content writer and I often get asked about how to write original 100% original content.

In this article i am going to share my tips or how i learned to write 100% original content hi there i am mahfuj and I’m sharing always jobs for students and digital marketing articles to helps small business owners and new digital marketer/students out there
i post new article every day sharing my insights and experiences about digital marketing if you are new here please make sure you read complete article.

Freelance Writer Online Jobs

Freelance Writer Online Jobs available on all freelancing Marketplace like Fiverr and Upwork. So in this article that can really help you out now without further ads. lets get started
with this article so how to become a writer and how do you write 100% original content in this post i am going to share five tips that will help you write 100% original content see one thing i need to clarify here before i began is that when you writing something out before your own experience there’s the higher chance that you will write 100% original content.

But if you are writing something that is research based for example if i am writing a blog post about me travelling to dubai or me travelling to usa, last week there are higher chances that it would be good original 100% original.

But if i am writing for a client for example i have been writing for food ordering app and all that it is a research based there is the higher risk of that article having some amount of words copied from somewhere with that been clear to you.

Tips no 1. How to Become a content Writer

Let me tell you how i learned to write 100% original content number one do your research if you working with a new client or on a new topic or on a niche you really need to spend a lot of time on natures for example:

I started working with this new client for last year and this client wanted me to write articles about machine learning artificial intelligence, stack polls and all of those things were almost new to me a new little about them but not very much about them.

So when i was ask to write to one article for the client i really spend one week just starting with this specific topic like so many ask you can think like 18 to 20 hours spend just on reading about this topic that was my research that was regular client so those 20 30 hours were really worthier.

Because it was not research for just one article it was research for many more articles but even i bit word research for one article i would have done it because that brings originality that brings strength in the content.

That i think my client really love that makes the content shoot up in the google research results how do you know that you have done enough research i would say read at least 50 articles about the same subject before even thinking of writing the article about it that that could be a good place to start but if you think yo need want research you do it because its really work it that’s make

You a great content writer if you put in the effort to do your research before you write.

Tips Number 2.

I have for you is that if you’re beginner make notes on paper now when you doing your research with definitely want to make the notes but do not use something like a note making app on your phone or on your desktop why i am saying this it because when you make your notes on your desktop you will find yourself compent to copy the lines directly from to post your reading from the research material.

You do not want to do that you want to make short notes short and concise notes there should not be any line in your notes that’s more than five word and that will really help you to write original content how do you know that because when i started i note this one article and get my research i note this article that still did not path in the copyscape.

I was like what i am doing wrong and i tried again did not path third time i thought let’s makes notes on paper and since that i have been doing that and i have never hard even one percent match when comes to content.

Tips No 3. Freelance Writer Online Jobs

Freelance Writer Online Jobs is plan the structure of your post now when you are about to write plan the structure of your post you have done so much of research you have your notes now make your own structure or make your own glossary or summary of the post and then start writing it plan structure on the paper itself think about what you going to say and then just elaborate on the laptop.

Writing Tips No 4

I have for you is to practice you would not be able to write 100% original content on day 1 it takes practice everything out there takes practice so if you are beginning as a content writer do some practice before you even go to the client.

Before you start looking for work may be start your own blog or may be just write
articles as a sample just so that you know
that you can do it they was one point in my life, i was 100 article a day and nobody was able to believe it and even i find it i unbelievable that i was that girl but why was i that girl, and that point because i had lot of practice.

I was writing articles for 3 years i was writing at least, 2 to 3 articles for over a year and then a start ready 5 articles a day and it was.
Really not to much from me because i had hide practice, yes i did burn out then because you should not write that much but i could do.

It because i had practice so practice really can help you get faster at things a lot of people keep asking me mahfuj how do you manage it all you have digital marketing clients, and they keep you busy for so many hours and then you have to one channel then you have to blog in your always trying to start something new you’re always reading books.

How do you do it it’s just that i have had practice because of the hours i have work practicing my skills (how to become a writer) i am faster at them i can edit a video in far less a time in a normal person can do because i have had practice so practice really make you perfect and i really makes you faster and helps you get the things done quickly and lastly.

Tips No 5. Check Plagiarism

I want you to do make an investment invest in a plagiarism check a software now i personally i have always used copyscape but i am sure there are many more software out there that to used and i do not need to use them now but i do not need to use software for my writing now but when i started out i knew i wanted to present the best work so my client so i would always run my articles through the copyscape myself and then send it to my client because of that i really had any rejection because for content writers

Most of the time articles rejected because of plagiarism and if you already have something like copyscape you can just reduce that risk to minimum if you want to checkout more details about coyscape i’ll link it down below this is the tool.

I have been using and now also i uses tool because i have content writers for my blog and there are some guess pose get keep coming and i do not want to put copied content on my blog which is i use Copyscape. myself even now these are my five tips on how to become a write and how to write 100% original content.

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