Top 10 Ways to Find LinkedIn Content Ideas

Top 10 ways to find LinkedIn Content Ideas! For every LinkedIn Content creators. Read complete post I hope you will understand completely.

1. Your Lived Experience

I wrote an article once about emotional neglect from my childhood, how it affected me and what leadership lessons I took from the experience. Vulnerability is relatable. Failure is relatable. And someone who can put uncomfortable memories into perspective and learn from them is likely to be a good hire.

2. Your Ongoing Learning

If you’re here, you’re not done learning or working. Talk about the skills you’re upgrading. Review the latest Udemy course you took. I had a successful post when I first began learning SQL, just describing the multiple learning platforms I was using.

3. The Last Good Book You Read

Curating content for your LinkedIn audience works on multiple levels. It shows you have intellectual curiosity. It shows you can aggregate and summarize information in brief form. And it provides a service to your followers – you tell them whether the book is worth their time as well.

4. Someone Else’s Post

Don’t get it twisted: DO NOT SHARE POSTS. But there are ways to use someone else’s content to spur your own without plagiarism or the “Share” button. Take inspiration from their thoughts, and be sure to tag or at least reference them as your muse. Screenshot part of their post and attach it as a picture, then talk about how their post affected you.

5. Record a Quick Video

Remember camcorders? That feels like the stone age. Today’s cameras have amazing video cameras. If you have a creative thought, bust out the phone and fire off a video. Video content gets a lot of attention, and serves to further humanize you to your audience.

6. Talk About Your Family

This also serves to humanize you, and shows you have some work/life balance. I had a great post once talking about my old black lab, and how she struggles to get on the bed now. I posted constantly about my kids playing baseball and football.

7. Professional Decision Upcoming?

Crowd source a solution with a poll! (Ugh. I feel so dirty) But really, polls can be interesting if they’re well written. And people love giving advice with a simple click.

8. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

It feels like this one doesn’t need much explanation. But make sure you’re describing what you did, the hard work involved, what the accomplishment means to you. Posting a certificate with “View my verified achievement” is not content.

9. Celebrate Others

Whether you have employees, coworkers, family members or friends that deserve recognition, nothing makes you feel better (and speaks more to your character) than honoring someone else.

10. Location is Key

Where do you get your ideas? For me, it’s in the car. While listening to a podcast in the car, I have pulled over more times than I remember to write down a sudden content idea. Don’t let those creative moments pass you by, wherever they occur. Use of a quick note app on your phone is a gamechanger.

Hope that helps, Hard Mode Challengers!

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