Scholars meaning in English: – In English, scholars mean “a person with vast knowledge, generally of a certain area.”
A scholar is a student who has received a college or university scholarship (i.e., money to help pay for their education).
Scholars meaning: A someone who is well-versed in the humanities
2. A student, especially a kid; pupil
3. A deserving student at an educational institution who receives financial assistance, particularly from an endowment established for that reason a school pupil.
Scholars meaning in English, Spanish, Hindi and Bengali
Scholars Meaning are people who study, but they may also be those who know a lot about a specific subject. A literary scholar is someone who is well-versed in literature.
A person who has studied a topic thoroughly and knows a great deal about it.
Scholars Meaning in bangla: পণ্ডিত; শিক্ষিত ব্যক্তি; ছাত্র; পড়ুয়া; বিদ্বান্; ভট্ট; শিষ্য; ছাত্রবৃত্তিভোগী ব্যক্তি; বৃত্তিভোগী ছাত্র; পন্ডিত, কবি, সিডার, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সাপোর্টিং প্র্যাকটিশনার, অনার্স স্কুল সাপোর্ট কোচ, বন্দী, স্কলারশিপের, প্রাপক, স্কুলবয়, থ্যাঙ্কসগিভিং, বিশেষজ্ঞ

Scholars Meaning in Spanish:
1) Erudito-those who have learned and is knowledgeable about a subject
2) Escolar – which mean student
3) Pupil alumno -which mean pupil
4) Students especialista – which mean specialist, expert in any topic
Scholars Meaning in Spanish :
Erudito m (plural: eruditos m)
The scholar knows lot about the history of the world.
Many scholars attended the conference at the university.
investigador m
alumno m (plural: alumnos m)
Many intelligent scholars have attended this university.
scholar, the ~ (scientistMaster of Scienceman of learninguniversity man)
Scholars Meaning in Spanish:
- graduado, el ~ (m) Noun
- titulado universitario, el ~ (m) Noun
- titulado superior, el ~ (m) Noun
- scholar, the ~ (professor)
- científico, el ~ (m) Noun
- erudito, el ~ (m) Noun
- sabio, el ~ (m) Noun
- catedrático, el ~ (m) Noun
- catedrática, la ~ (f) Noun
- hombre de ciencia, el ~ (m) Noun
- scholar, the ~ (eruditelearned person)
- intelectual, el ~ (m) Noun
- erudito, el ~ (m) Noun
scholar, the ~ (literary personerudite personman of learningman of lettersscholarly person)
- erudito, el ~ (m) Noun
- hombre de letras, el
Scholars meaning in Hindi:
1) Someone particularly a youngster who learns or adopts information or ideas from a teacher
2) An educated person someone who has mastered one or more fields following exhaustive analysis.
3) A person who is a scholarship recipient
4) Someone who works for an expert to learn a trade
Scholars meaning in Hindi:
- छात्र(m):
- पंडित(m)
- पण्डित
- विद्यार्थी(m)
- विद्वान
- वैज्ञानिक
- शागिर्द
- शास्त्री
- शिष्य
- अध्येता
- वाचस्पति(m)
- शोध छात्र
- भाषातत्वज्ञ
- साक्षर व्यक्ति
- भाषाविज्ञान का पंडित
Scholars Meaning in Hindi. SCHOLAR= शात्रज्ञ [pr.{shatrajny} ](Noun)
SCHOLAR= पण्डित [pr.{paNDit} ](Noun)
उदाहरण : एम पी पण्डित
SCHOLAR= विद्यार्थी [pr.{vidyarthi} ](Noun)
SCHOLAR= वैज्ञानिक [pr.{vaijnyanik} ](Noun)
उदाहरण : वैज्ञानिक घटक
SCHOLAR= शिष्य [pr.{shiShy} ](Noun)
उदाहरण : नए शिष्य का स्वागत करो.