Advantages of Nursing Homes for the Elderly Essay | Sample answer of writing task 2

Many elderly people are no long looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes. What are the advantages and disadvantage of this trend? Writing task 2 sample answer.

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Sample answer of writing task 2

Many elderly people are no long looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes. What are the advantages and disadvantage of this trend?

Sample answer

It is true that in this modern era, nearly all aged people are send care homes because their families are unable to look after them. While there are some benefits of this tendency. I believe the demerits outweigh the merits.

A variety of benefits are available of having elderly people in old age home. One probable convenience is that aged people get special care in a nursing home. When people become aged their immunity system decrease and they always suffer many diseases. In their own house the family members are busy with money making and they are not able to fulfill Their responsibilities. Because, nowadays almost all family members are working by themselves and they have not enough time for giving old person. However, nursing home provides proper medical treatment and professional care taker to look after the aged people. Another benefit is that in old age home elder person get healthy meals in time. As they get healthy and hygiene food regularly, their immune system increases. As a result, they spend the rest of their lives in good health.

Despite this above benefits, living in nursing home has some drawbacks too. To begin with, if aged people are send to old age home they feel helpless. It can negatively impact on elder’s people physical and psychological health. Because they want to be with their children and also grandchildren at the rest of their life. Parents have an intensely emotional bonding with their children. So, living old age home destroy the relationship among them. In addition, the cost of taking care of aged people in nursing home can be expensive due to professional services. However, in our country majority of the people are middle class income and they cannot manage a lot of mone for caring house. It can challenging to manage by people. As a result they are unable to send old people to nursing home.

In conclusion, although there are some benefits of sending elderly people to old age home, it has several negative outcomes too.

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