Tree plantation Paragraph For HSC, SSC Students | Tree plantation paragraph for 6-12

Tree plantation : Now I am going to share about tree plantation paragraph .If you read this article you will get a very easy paragraph about tree plantation.Tree is very useful in our daily life.

Tree plantation Paragraph

Tree is very useful in our daily life and tree plantation is also important in our life.Tree plantation has now a slogan. It’s necessity is worldwide. It is very important in our natural life.Tree is the most familiar thing to everyday.It plays an important role in every sphere of human life.Tree gives us oxygen and provides us with food.Nobody can live without the direct or indirect help of tree. It is our best friend and related to our life and death.When a plant is planted , it starts to expend it’s branches day by day.One day it becomes a big tree and spreads it’s hands to help mankind.Trees gives us oxygen which we take to live.Let us consider for a moment on earth without trees.Surely than we will find a barren and dessert like scene .If we think deeply about our life we see life without trees is impossible and unimaginable. So we should plant more and more trees in order to maintain a harmony between man and nature.What is needed most for tree plantation is to make men understand it’s necessity. We should take necessary steps for it.Should we fail to do so,our future generation will bear it’s consequences .Thus the slogan “

Grow more tree “

will become successful.

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