GPF is an Function of Ibas++ which used to reducing or increasing gpf installment in Ibas++. The Full meaning of GPF of General provident fund. Every single information of gpf will be provided by Ibas++ account office. It will take sometimes to approve GPF information but when it will happen Gpf installment amount can be reduced or increased By DDO (budget holder).
Employees GPF information
Ibas++ gpf information will be founded in Ibas++ budget executive option then go to master data and select employees gpf information option.after completing this you will have to put on your NID of a staff.after that you will find several option like employees name,account number,page number volume number, monthly amount deduction etc have to be fill.
Better will be known monthly charge cut on as subscription charge. Basic amount about 5℅ to 25%. Then click to the next and submit your nominee information. Nominee might be your wife, or prenents,or your is easier way to find GPF information by bas++
All GPF information are available in ibas++. Just you have to go report manu option and find gpf slip by online. For GPF slip follow this step.
GPF Slip from ibas++ website:
If you want to need GPF statement visit ibas++ official Website here available GPF Slip or GPF statement, you find GPF Slip From ibas++ report menu, if you want to get gpf slip please follow this step like that Click report >pay bill report>my gpf certificate> (select from down option) Financial > run report.

By following this methods you will get a authentic gpf slip, here will be provided all of your information. If opening balance is not shown, you have to go account office to solve this problem. If gpf balance is correct everything correct of your account.
What is Ibas++
Ibas++ is an Integrated budget accountimg system,In some of is a internet base software which accounted and managed government entaire financial bidget and provide services according to report of budget.
Key use of Ibas++
- Budget preparation
- Budget execution
- General ledger
- Accounting
Here is shared the link of ibas++ official Website: